Currency Widget
With the Currency Widget you can display different currencies in your store and the customers can freely choose in which currency they want to see the prices.
Here an example for the installation of the Currency Widget:
Enable the Currency Widget in the overview:
The currency widget has 4 configuration categories.
1. Supported Currencies
In this tab, you can select a general number of supported currencies. Additionally, there is the button "Auto switch currency based on the visitor's location" - the selected currencies refer to the automatic selection based on the location of the customer.
2. Selectable Currencies
In this tab you can select a subset of the "Supported Currencies" that you want to leave to the customer for free selection. If you do not want to offer all supported currencies and an unelectable currency is automatically selected, it will be added to the list. The advantage is that you don't have a long and confusing list, but can offer a short, clear overview but nevertheless all currencies.
3. Formatting
In this tab you can offer separate formatting for all available currencies. To create a new custom formatting click on the button "Add custom Formatting".
Custom currency formatting
First you have to select a currency in the selectbox for which you want to create a custom formatting. After that you have the field "Money Format" which contains the currently used formatting. If you change this, all prices in this currency will receive this new formatting.
You can choose between these different placeholder:
{{amount}} (shows up as 9.99)
{{amount_no_decimals}} (shows up as 10 - values are rounded)
{{amount_with_comma_separator}} (shows up as 10,00)
Multiply prices before conversion
If you need special calculations for your end price then you can use in this field calculation to round not only to the decimal but also in a hundred places.
The currency is always calculated on "cent" level, i.e. to round to one hundred /10000 must be calculated. To round it off you can use the Math.round method in the standard Javascript. A complete calculation could look like this:
Note: The new values are only for the prices on the product shop.
The checkout will have the current price in the main currency without modifications!
4. Switcher
In this tab you can create all settings regarding the switcher. First you see a preview how the switcher is displayed on your store.
Position, Style & Colors
In the lower part, you can set the position (right or left bottom), the appearance in general (if it has a frame, flags should be displayed and if the switcher should get a transparent background). You can also specify whether a switcher should be displayed at all. In the right area you also have the choice between the text and border color, and the color for the background of the button is selectable as well.
To upload the content to your theme you have to select the Themes tab and select the theme of your choice in the selectbox. Then click save or, if you only upload the content to the already selected theme, please click on "refresh supported themes".