If you are using langify with a sub-folder structure setup (langify v2 & other Shopify native translation API) you can use the geolizr Redirect Widget to redirect your visitors to the language matching the visitor's location.
This step by step guide will show you how to set up the Redirect Widget for a store that is using langify with the following domains:
- myshop.com (English)
- myshop.com/fr (French)
1. Select the Redirect Widget from the menu (if it's still disabled, please enable it by clicking the button next to the widget title):
2. Click the "Add redirect" button in the bottom right corner to add a new redirect:
3. We are going to add the redirect for your English speaking visitors first. From the country list select the countries that should be redirected to your English language and press the add button:
4. Enter the domain that your English-speaking customers should be redirected to. Of course, subfolders (e.g. https://mycompany.com/en/%path_witout_locale%) are also possible. In our example, the language has no language folder:
Please note: If you make the redirect to Shopify, please ensure that the URL starts with https://; otherwise Shopify will redirect the redirect from http:// to the encrypted version https:// and Geolizr will redirect it back to Geolizr, this will result in an infinity loop. |
5. To not redirect the visitors again if they chose a language manually via the language drop-down, we add the domains to the list of ignored referrers.
As you can see in the screenshot, the parameter %path_without_locale% is appended to the URL. This causes the path to be taken from the original except for the locale and appended to the redirect. e.g. the customer will arrive at the correct product in the correct language with this parameter. |
6. Click Save to save your newly created redirect:
7. Now we add the redirect for the French language. Please click the "Add redirect" button again and select the countries that should be redirected to your French language:
8. Enter the URL that your French-speaking customers should be redirected to (please do not forget the note from point 4):
9. Again, to not redirect visitors that chose a language manually via the language drop-down, we add all domains to the list of ignored referrers:
10. Click Save to save your new redirect:
11. If you've not installed the Redirect Widget for your theme yet, please select the "Supported" Themes" tab, select your theme from the list of themes and click "Save":
12. That's it. Your visitors should now be redirected to the correct language based on their geographic location.